Weird File¶
So this is something to do with MSWord macros Heres the macros in the file
```vbscript= Sub AutoOpen() MsgBox "Macros can run any program", 0, "Title" Signature
End Sub
Sub Signature() Selection.TypeText Text:="some text" Selection.TypeParagraph
End Sub
Sub runpython()
Dim Ret_Val Args = """" '""" Ret_Val = Shell("python -c 'print(\"cGljb0NURnttNGNyMHNfcl9kNG5nM3IwdXN9\")'" & " " & Args, vbNormalFocus) If Ret_Val = 0 Then MsgBox "Couldn't run python script!", vbOKOnly End If End Sub
picoCTF{m4cr0s_r_d4ng3r0us} ```