alien tx v2¶
We are provede with an explanation that has some key points and a file that contains the doble XOR encrypted message.
The aliens are at it again! We've discovered that their communications are in base 512 and have transcribed them in base 10. However, it seems like they used XOR encryption twice with two different keys! We do have some information:
This alien language consists of words delimitated by the character represented as 481
The two keys appear to be of length 21 and 19
The value of each character in these keys does not exceed 255
Find these two keys for me; concatenate their ASCII encodings and wrap it in the flag format.
Effective Key Length¶
By doing an XOR encryption with a key length of 21 and 19, we have a effective key length of 21*19=399
. This means that the text will be encrypted by the same key every 399 chars. Heres a visualization.
key1 = 101
key2 = 11010
plaintext = 00000
First XOR with key1
10110 ('101' plus '10' to fill the length of the plaintext)
XOR 00000
Second XOR with key2
XOR 11010
showed me
from itertools import cycle
key1 = [1,2,3]
key2 = [4,5,6,7,8]
ptxt = [0]*50
[z^k1^k2 for ((z,k1),k2) in zip(zip(ptxt,cycle(key1),cycle(key2)))]
After we determine the effective key length, we could sort the provide alien message into 399 different bins, as each bin is using the same key to encrypt the data. To do this, a python script could do the job, this will be included in the final exploit.
from collections import *
encrypted = open("encrypted.txt", 'r').read().strip().split('\n')
for x in range(len(encrypted)):
Finding Deliminators¶
By the provided imformation about the alien language, we know that the deliminator is 481
and that should be the most common "word" in each bin. By using the Counter()
in itertools, we can see that there is always a significant difference between the most used word and the second most used word. Therefore, we could tell that the most used word in each bin should be 481
. Now we need a piece of script to pick out these deliminators.
for x in range(0,399):
count = Counter(bins[x])
delim = list(count.keys())[list(count.values()).index(max(list(count.values())))]
the knowned deliminator, we can get the encryption key for k399[i]
"Brute Forcing" the Keys¶
We know the relation of key399
, key21
and key19
by examining the test script @GeoffreyY wrote which is key399[i] = key21[i % 21] ^ key19[i % 19]
By knowing this imformation in addition to the other specification of the alien language The value of each character in these keys does not exceed 255
we can try every value between 0 ~ 255
. Since we know all k399
by finding the deliminators, we just need to guess a value for k21
or k19
and see if the other one makes sence, since we want our final output to be readable characters. I wrote this script that will write all the posibilities of k19
when k21
is a certain value, and evaluate k21
with the found k19
value and k399
with open("ape1.txt", 'w') as f:
with open("ape.txt",'w') as j:
for c in range(0, 255):
for idx in range(0, 399, 21):
k19[idx % 19] = k399[idx] ^ c
f.write("".join([chr(c) for c in k19]) + '\n')
for i in range(0,399):
k21[i % 21]=k19[i%19]^k399[i]
j.write("".join([chr(c) for c in k21])+"".join([chr(c) for c in k19])+'\n')
Final Output and Finding the Flag¶
For our output, we get a huge list of characters and we need to find the one that "looks" right.