This challenge gives us a bash that is encoded in a wired way. No human readable stuff.
I couldn't run the script at first because I was using zsh
. By asking the author, I was able to run the script using bash
The script is simple, it echo's out a line that has the flag, but it is not displaying since it's in the comments. What we need to do here is try to show the verbose version of bash running, like running gdb
but for bash.
Im not to familiar with bash so I looked up bash debug
and I found that we could use the flag -x
to enter the mode.
The program spits out quite some junk but I found these lines pretty interesting
format string
function is taking in a %s
string and the input should be the letter after it.
I didn't want to write a script so I just coppied the input and did a regex
replace and got the lines together to form the flag.
First REGEX Replace:
^((?!printf %s .).)*$
to empty
Second REGEX Replace:
\+\+\+ printf %s
to empty
Third REGEX Replace:
to empty